Anyone receive their Zu Druid VIs yet?

Things seem to have gone a little dark on these speakers, or am I imagining that?  I ordered mine in September and didn't receive them yet.  Was curious if anyone has received theirs yet?

Haven't seen any new online traffic regarding the speakers either, which makes me wonder if any are really out yet?

If so, are they as expected?

Emailed Zu but didn't hear back on the status.
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Showing 7 responses by spiritofmusic

Parsons, very good to hear that with break in the tonal density and “shove” that Zu is famed for is coming along, but with added benefit of more natural decay etc.
This suggests to me Zu are successfully mating their core DNA with a more mature sound incorporating greater delicacy, microdynamic shadings, less colouration.
Ive been running Definitions for a decade now, first the Mk2, and since 2012 the Mk4 (latter upgraded with Duelund caps and Lundahl transformers to the integral Hypex sub amps).
Ive spent a small fortune, and lost a lot of hair sorting a really good audio room/isolated power grid, and the Definitions have absolutely benefitted, transformed even.
Im v much looking forwards to when the new Zu flagship Experiences are released in the next 12-24 months.
If they maintain what you’re hearing in your new Druid VI, and provide even more, they will slay.
Congrats on early good news re the new Druids.
Parsons, my Zu journey has been Definitions 2 in 2008, to Definitions 4 in 2012, to Duelunds/Lundahls upgrades to the 4 in 2015. Each change has been to greater fidelity with no sacrifice of the Zu dna/usp.
I was just a little concerned that Sjraen’s summing up of the Druid VI possibly suggested Sean may possibly have gone too far with the new Druid in trying to achieve a more palatable speaker to those listeners who might usually be Magico, Wilson or B&W customers.
I’m very glad to see that isn’t the case, that your new Druids VI maintain all the core presentation we love about Zu with more of an evolution towards a more typical list of attributes ie more transparency, delicacy, less colouration.
In the decade I’ve owned Zus, especially since the Definitions 4 with upgrades, and very much since they’ve flowered in my new room, I’ve heard any number of amazing alternatives including brilliantly modded Apogees ribbons, Martin Logan stats, AG Duos and Pnoes horns, and I can honestly say none makes a more compelling case for ownership than my Zus.
That in my book is a Hell of a positive endorsement for continued loyalty to the Zu cause.
Parsons, yes the Definitions do need space to breathe.
I have them set up 8’ apart, 4’ from side walls, 9’ from front wall, 12’ from me, another 16’ behind me.
That’s what converting the loft space in a Victorian chapel gives you re dedicated room.
I’m blessed with this space, it’s enabled me to eek out the last iota of goodness from my 4’s.
Re the Duelunds, they massively upped the ante on my 4’s, adding a lot of sweetness and texture to the overall sound, I’d certainly consider them further if I were you.

Your comments on your new Druids maintaining what we all
love about Zu but adding new layers of insight, has really encouraged me to keep my mind open to considering the Definitions successor when Zu release it in the next couple of years.
Parsons, that’s excellent news. There’s always a danger that if a new product sounds more “nuanced”, “refined”, “accurate” etc, it may lose its joie de vivre, immersiveness, heft, drive.

It sounds like the VIs are not falling prey to improved SQ at the expense of ditching core Zu attributes.

Reports like yours are filling me with confidence that any future Definitions successor from Sean will follow the same pattern.

And the performance I’m wringing out of my 4s really puts a lot of 2-3x pricier rivals to shame.
Cottguy, it's fascinating to hear of your early, highly positive impressions. 213Cobra/Phil is due v soon to leave a lengthy in depth ongoing review which will build on yr words.

I've been running Definitions for a decade now, initially the 2, now the 4, w Duelund caps and Lundahls upgrades, and the performance I'm getting in my room is simply staggering.

To think that Sean is truly upping the ante from Druid V to VI can only mean the upcoming Definition VI and totl Experience will be quite something.

I really wanted to leave things as they are. But, but LOL...
I've been on an amazing journey w Zu. Raucous and exciteable Definitions 2 in my old, v poor acoustic space. Newer more sophisticsted yet familiar full blooded Defintions 4, still hampered by my old space. Move to new, vastly better sounding room, 2 years of optimising inc a critical couple of analog upgrades, and the Zus are reborn, the straight arrow communication, now w vastly better all round performance. 

And now we hear Sean is surpassing himself w Druid VI.