Anyone read this NYT story about analog audio bars?

Is there anything like this in NJ?

Should we make one? 


Membership clubs would be best as business costs would be paid upfront while input and equipment choices decided amongst the membership. Evaluations and equipment  updated often. Not to mention music selection also curated by the whole. Could start with an audiophile group in large urban area putting their heads and money together. Location would not matter at all. Access would be an issue...what if everyone came at one time? 

Back in the late 60's to early 70's there were study rooms at San Diego State.  Each room had furniture and a pair of decent speakers and sound proofing.  There was a DJ with a turntable for every room.  You could request albums be played in your room while you studied or just chilled.  All for free.

What we desperately need is vintage audio repair shops. Combine it with a listening room, cafe, travel agency, barber shop, I don’t care…

(I am not audiophile material so hanging with audiophiles isn’t my thing 🫣)


They'd have to be divided into sections for introverts and extroverts. I enjoy listening with others... in silence!