Anyone Make Budget Flat Speaker Cable?

Need 6 and 8 meter runs to feed my rear channels but choke on the cost that Nordost wants for their cheapest flatline stuff.

Its got to go under my imitation oriental rug.

Any alternatives out there?

Showing 3 responses by dweller

Thanks to all!

Will check out Radio Shack first.

TVAD: No doubt Goert is fine stuff but I'm looking for something around $1 a foot not $1 an inch.
Elizabeth: I agree. I'm using AR copper pair (glorified lamp cord) but too bulky under rug.

It's hard to believe Nordost doesn't make resonably priced wire for the "prosperity challenged" audiophile.

Listening to Blu-Ray Start-Trek, the AR wire passed high-frequency signals I'm surprised I can still hear.
I WAS using KEF 201 Ref for surrounds (love those super tweeters!).