Anyone listen to entire albums?

I assume the answer is yes since many of you run vinyl rigs, but just wondering how many around here listen to entire albums at a sitting?  In the age of instant gratification and playlists I seem to be, recently, gravitating to listening through entire albums.  I don’t have vinyl and only stream or play from a network drive so it’s easy for me to bounce around from song to song, artist to artist.  Maybe it’s a nostalgia thing but I enjoy hearing a record in it’s entirely the way the artist recorded it.  I’ve flirted with the idea of vinyl for the very reason that it seems to be a format that lends itself to listening through an entire album in one sitting.  I seem to be less inclined to make that move though now that I’ve been doing the album thing via streaming. 


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The comments are interesting here.  I’m one of those that usually listens to the entire album, one side after the other in a sitting.  With digital on my server run by JRiver, I typically pick and choose songs through the app unless I like the whole album.  Like others, I’ll load the whole thing and listen to it.  

With albums I too usually don’t buy it unless I love the album and like most of what’s on it.  For instance I love Supertramp’s “Crime..” and “Crisis..” but really only liked about 4 songs off “Breakfast”.   So for a long time I haven’t bothered purchasing the album because there’s a couple songs that are so-so and a couple I really can’t stand sitting through.  With digital I can just pick what I wanted. 
Although I was recently offered a perfect 1st release copy at a record store for $15 at a record show that I couldn’t resist.