Anyone listen to entire albums?

I assume the answer is yes since many of you run vinyl rigs, but just wondering how many around here listen to entire albums at a sitting?  In the age of instant gratification and playlists I seem to be, recently, gravitating to listening through entire albums.  I don’t have vinyl and only stream or play from a network drive so it’s easy for me to bounce around from song to song, artist to artist.  Maybe it’s a nostalgia thing but I enjoy hearing a record in it’s entirely the way the artist recorded it.  I’ve flirted with the idea of vinyl for the very reason that it seems to be a format that lends itself to listening through an entire album in one sitting.  I seem to be less inclined to make that move though now that I’ve been doing the album thing via streaming. 


Showing 1 response by audioman58

One reason I went to digital is I can skip around and make a playlist of my choise

also digital has advanced so much in the last few years if you cover all bases 

starting with a good LPS power supply from your router,

high quality Ethernet cables and a very Good Ethernet switch ,and possibly filter depending on the brand with good quality power cords ,

then a good streamer and Dac then you have a digital that is as good and in several ways better , a record can only produce true 12 bit, digital true 20 bit.

Bass is for sure one’s lower tighter, S/N ratio , Distortion much quieter,

land having natural warmth and realism . Over $10k for sure 

but the same can be said too for a quality vinyl setup,

and I can store everything on a SS drive ,stream millions of songs , make play lists of every type , no cleaning involved . I am half way there .visiting audio clubs I get to hear Audio systems of all types. Beung 65 I just don’t have the patience anymore .I had several thousand 1st pressings and album art . Vinyl is still very good and master recordings sound great,but very limited in availability .

to each their own , if you have the patience and $$ then having both is a great solution.