Anyone know anything about the Magic Diamond Blue?

I have been reading about this new cartridge (way out of my price range)that is said to be amazing! Sounds like it would be right up Alberts alley! Their is a Signature model that is reported to be even better, but the price WOW!

With the price of realy good cartridges now I think it is time for me to get out of analog and put all my sonic eggs in one digital basket. Analog is a rich man's game. I can remember back when my EMT XSD-15 was damn near state of the art and I paid about $450 for it(I was driving a $65 car to be able to affor that!) When my MC died(R.I.P) I think it may have been the final omen. Nothing I can afford makes me want to listen to my table any more. As good as the Grado Platinum and the latest V15 are they still don't get it for me like a MC with a boron cantilever and the right tip shape. Is it just me, or do these budget cartridges seem to make records that I thought were quiet before sound very noisy and anoying? Is this anyone elses experience?

Showing 1 response by lugnut

I don't know of a universal truth regarding surface noise and cartridge type but I have found the moving coils to be quieter. I really don't agree that analog is a rich man's game when you take into consideration the life expectancy of a reasonable table. I've had my current table since 1984 and yes, I've done several upgrades along the way and one repair. My best guess is that since purchase I've invested approximately $3500 including cartridges. That's less than $200 per year. I still haven't reached a point where I have a compelling reason to replace it. If I were to sell this table I could recoup approximately 30% of the investment. I'm certainly not a rich man and didn't intentionally get into vinyl versus digital since I predate that media. Then again, I tend to be satisfied with what I can afford in all formats. There are numerous $300-1000 cartridges that would float my boat forever. Maybe I'm into midfi.