Anyone know anything about Soliloquy HiFi 5.0's?

Soliloquy High Fidelity Loudspeaker Model 5.0 - $300

saw this add and looked them up. seem like a good pair of speakers...but compaired to what?

anyone know anything about them?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich007
Yes, those are great speakers at that price, great build quality and sound. Be aware, though, that the drivers are all proprietary and if one of them isn't good or fails there's no way to replace it with an identical driver.
are we talking Revel M20 or B&W 805's good? What could you compare them to? I just want to know because I didn't know they existed before this evening.
I haven't owned either the Revel or the 805's so can't compare them directly.

There are several reviews of the Soliloquy online, here's one from Positive Feedback. They cost about $1,000 originally, plus the matching stands.

I passed my pair on to a friend who still uses them with a Creek integrated and I have a pair of the smaller Soliloquy Sat5's that I think are one of the best small monitors I've ever heard.
They really sing with the right gears !
Good for female vocals.
That's good price for them as well.