A planar speaker it is not. At least not in the traditional sense of the word. Four 12" woofers do not planar equal.
As for the continued touting of their 115db output, I hardly see the point. If loud is what you want, it can be achieved for a LOT less money. A pair of Altec Voice The Theaters would get you there and STILL look better.
The consensus amongst the audiophile crowd who AREN'T personal friends of Mr. Gilmore or business associates who stand to gain monetarily from the sale of these monstrosities, is that they sound "okay" but do NOTHING to justify their high cost. And...of course...they look like a cooktop. For that money, I'd take a nice 48 or 60" Viking Range any day.
As for the continued touting of their 115db output, I hardly see the point. If loud is what you want, it can be achieved for a LOT less money. A pair of Altec Voice The Theaters would get you there and STILL look better.
The consensus amongst the audiophile crowd who AREN'T personal friends of Mr. Gilmore or business associates who stand to gain monetarily from the sale of these monstrosities, is that they sound "okay" but do NOTHING to justify their high cost. And...of course...they look like a cooktop. For that money, I'd take a nice 48 or 60" Viking Range any day.