Anyone in Vegas listen to the Gilmore speakers???

If so, any impressions? Thanks in advance.

Showing 3 responses by cwlondon

Maybe it's just me -- I love planars and panel speakers, but I was underwhelmed.

I heard the smaller ones at moderate volume and found them fatiguing and a bit shouty in the midrange.

In the larger room, the build quality reminded me of shop class in junior high school as I watched Mr Gilmore and a "visitor" tapping their feet in apparent joy and enthusiasm.

Some of you may know that the cult of Linn used to suggest this type of behaviour in dealer sales training seminars.

I found it about as convincing as watching "tourists" "winning" at three card monte and almost as cheesey as the ads.

I am not in New England, I am in NYC where the wind chill is well below zero. But even 65 and sunny wouldn't lure me back to hear those speakers.

The "london" in my User ID comes from London, England and the English word for Mr Gilmore is "spiv".

With or without gold, chrome or even platinum plating, I thought the metal around the ribbons looked uneven and sloppily rendered, hence my remark about build quality.

Where is all the hype coming from?

I thought this was a community of enthusiasts sharing their honest opinions, not a bulletin board for PR meisters seeking free advertising.

Even sex might not be able to sell these things.
Re "evoke widely varying opinions"

That seems to be correct -- the effusive praise of their marketers and the perplexed criticism of audiophiles.