Anyone heard these? How do they sound?

Linn Ninka floorstanders
Has anyone ever heard these speakers?
How do they sound?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop

Showing 2 responses by newmanoc

Nice speakers, especially for the price they are available for on the used market. I find them quite attractive as well. There are many other options in this price range to audition, however.

The Ninkas really come into their own if you spend the money to make them active. I heard them the other day active with a Linn Chakra 6100 amp, and they sounded better than any speaker this price has a right to. Passive, the are good, but nothing like they are active.
"I used to sell them. We nicknamed them the Stinka if that gives you any idea..."

This is way off base. I agree that run passively they might not be my first choice, but they are certainly a reasonable one. And when run actively, if you think they stinka, I think you can't heara.