Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!

Showing 18 responses by kclone

So Marc, would you say this device is something you put in after everything else? I mean, would you say it would be a higher priority then something like room correction or room treatments?
Mark, Are you reffering to me at taking a swipe at it? I never took a swipe at it. I'm open minded about this and I appreciated the feedback you have provided to us.
I thought so, thanks Mark. The thing that I potentially like about this is this unit does not do any D to A converson or anything like a lot of room correction devices do. So if you love the sound of your DAC or source, it's siganl dose not get altered by another D to A or A to D process. Thanks.
Hey Ozzie, anything to report? It was mentioned that is sounds best between the pre and amp. What about an integrated, anyone try one with that in which case it would have to come after the source?
yeah, my Luxman has a preamp out. But wouldn't just hook up through one inputs on the Luxman (source>>>QOL>>>Luxman)? I mean, why use tape out or preamp out? I don't get it.
I have a Lyngdorf room correction device. It certainly helped my room situation for sure. However, the amount of components and power cords, ect... is really busy in and around my rack. I have my TV hooked into my 2 channel system as well. So I don't want to add a component to an already busy system, but if it is true this device kind of takes the room out of the equation, then I can keep things even without having to add more. Can anyone else verify what Marc77 says about the QOL with the room? I'm sure the results are room or system dependent. I know the best way to find out, is to just try one my self. Wonder if I can get my wife to go along with yet another audio purchase? :)
thanks for the informative review. You mentioned that it seems to be better on some recordings over others. Do really good recordings sound even better or does it help out the not so good recordings sound better? Or is it just random?
do deal with the volume gain why not just an SPL meeter and just make sure you play the track at roughly the same volume? I have an ap. on my Iphone and it works pretty good.
I have the QOL on the way. I will try and post my impressions after a few days.
Larry, you experienced the QOL? Did you have it in your system or can you elaborate on that a little? thanks
I hooked mine up today. Put it between a Cary preamp and Cary amp. Very impressed. I did not need a lot of time with it to tell if it was doing something positive or not. I used a sound meter to make sure I was playing the tracks at the roughly the same volume to compensate for the 2 db in gain with it activated. Just more detail, air, 3Dness. Sounds good even out of the sweet spot. One big plus is I can listen at a lower volume levels because everything is there. Before the QOL, I found myself turning up the volume to hear details better in a lot of tracks. Now, everything seems more fleshed out, and no need to turn up the volume, which is good because I want save my ears. Great addition to my system, I'm keeping mine.
Question for Douglas. Do you have a highly treated room? I'm just throwing this out there so it may mean nothing. Maybe people with already really really good rooms do not can not hear the necessity of having a unit like the QOL. My room is not the best, and for me, the QOL seems to take the room at of the equation to a certain degree. In other words, it has improved my system enough to not have to make improving my room such a high priority. Doesn't mean I still do not need to improve my room, but the increases in 3D sound, clarity, and air with the QOL is enough of an improvement to make me very happy Thoughts?
Oh, so there is pro audio gear that does the same thing for less? Specific brand or company? Darn, wished I knew. The problem is there is not an thread on the forums that is making audiophiles aware of a speficic device that does what the QOL does. The OQL is one of those things that was at the audio shows, been reveiwed by a high traffic audio mag, and had a bunch of users and dealers buy the unit in a short amount of time that sounded off on it's merits. So had the pro auido gear been at the shows, reviewed by the press, and listening impressions been posted, then there may be no market or need for the QOL. But, that didn't happen thus opening the door for something like the QOL to enter the market and grab attention from audiophiles.

As far as the "purest" side of audio, I personally do not car what is in the chain. Sure I like less boxes and cables, but if anything improves the sound quality enough to be pleasing to my ears, I'm not against putting it into the chain.
I'm sure there are plenty of units on back order since they are sold out. So there should be more people sounding off in a month or two that are not dealers. Really, when you think about it, would it really be in a dealers best interest to promote this thing? I mean some one might be thinking about upgrading speakers, cables, or anything but won't if the QOL improves their system enough not to try anything new. A lot of guys buy something new for the system yearly or every 6 months but this has the potential to slow all that down thus hurting dealer business.

I am not a dealer and have had a week with my QOL. I have done more evaluting and I and still very happy. I can't imagine pulling it out of my system at this point. So I doubt it will be a "nothing to see here" passing fad for me.
another huge plus for the QOL is you can go out and get an integrated amp or preamp that does not have input select on it's remote since you can just hook all of your sources into the 4 inputs on the QOL. A lot of the good preamps and integrated amps have remote volume control but not input select.
I found I like it better after the source as well. Of course those with Integrated amps do not have a choice.