I heard them at a dealer that had them in on a brief trial basis. They may have not been broken in and the set-up certainly wasn't optimized for the amp. The preamps used were either the Thor or an Audio Note M-8. Source was an Audio Note transport and a DAC-4.
I did not like the sound at all. It had a thin, bleached sound, brittle textures, and a flat soundstage, i.e., the kind of sound I associate with some bad pentode amps. I believe it had EL 34s in it, but it sounded more like a 6550 amp. Think Audio Research kind of sound.
I did not like the sound at all. It had a thin, bleached sound, brittle textures, and a flat soundstage, i.e., the kind of sound I associate with some bad pentode amps. I believe it had EL 34s in it, but it sounded more like a 6550 amp. Think Audio Research kind of sound.