ANyone heard the New Parasound Halo P5?

Saw in a catalog the new P5 from Parasound. Includes a DAC and preamp in combo. I dont have lots of experience with that brand although a friend has some much older equipment from them that has been very reliable and sounds decent....kind of the low end of real hi-fi. Anyone heard one?

Showing 1 response by mapman

Agree with Runnin.

A lot of good stuff that offers excellent value will not get the play deserved usually in these parts in that such products undermine the perceived value of the more esoteric options.

My advice would be to attempt to do things right first with a brand like Parasound that many cite as high quality and good value. Then at least you will not overpay and have a reasonable benchmark and frame of reference for deciding what else might add value from there, be it more esoteric or not.

Esoteric is not necessarily bad, but usually things are esoteric for a reason, meaning the appeal will be strong with some but not for most.