Anyone heard the new Cremona?

Anyone heard the new Sonus Faber Cremona? What kind of amps would be a good match?
I have a question regarding the Cremona's....

Is this speaker a different color than the Amati and Guarneri?

From the photos I've seen, the Cremona's appear to be a lighter color - not the "orange" looking wood of the earlier lute design speakers.
The Cremonas finish is called honey maple. It does make it a bit difficult if you are trying to do a home theater with these speakers as all three have different finishes.
I believe the Cremona is more of a music speaker than for HT use. It's a lighter color than the Amati, but very similar in looks. I prefer the finish on the Amati.

I also have a pair of the Sonus Concerto and have compared them to the Cremona. While the Concerto is a great speaker, it's not in the same league as the Cremona.

For a speaker under 10K, Sonus has done a great job with the Cremona.
I listened to these at the Montreal show..they sound incredible and the finish isn't as glossy as Amati or Guarneri but I don't have any complaints about how these look or sound whatsoever..easily driven by medium power tube amps which need not cost a fortune is another plus..cj, jadis, cary, arc, vac there is many fine amps available to run these..I'd love to have a pair in my listening room.
I heard the Cremona driven by a stereo YBA Passion/Passion pre, and a Mephisto 2 cdp. The sound was reminiscent of the Amati -- but with less authority and volume (to instruments, not sound intensity). Very musical results, soundstaging and speed were above board, and the music sounded very "natural", i.e. sounds were real and palpable, capable of transporting some of the emotion in the music. In conclusion, system impressed me by its simplicity and its capacity to play music -- you'll note that I haven't commented on the speaker's hi-frequency or bass response: it seemed immaterial at the time and, beuing content with the music, I didn't notice!
Caveat: auditioned at a dealer's and listened to classical and blues.