Anyone heard the MK III Innersound Eros??

Being an avid 'stat fan, I am wondering if anyone has heard this latest incarnation of the Eros, and, how might it compare to Martin-Logan Odyssey?

Imaging, midrange, dynamics, etc.??

Showing 2 responses by tpsonic

The designer of the Inner-tube/Innersound tube amp has been using the Eros to voice this product.He has been using a passive crossover on the top-end {6db/oct.}and lowering the crossover point.Very large improvement.I am completely supportive of passive {Dahlquist DQ-LP1 style}crossovers for the upper frequencies.The active units introduce grain and glare,unless extremely expensive.The latest panels {MKII]are more dependable than the original.Good Luck!
The designer of the Inner-tube/Innersound tube amp has been using the Eros to voice this product.He has been using a passive crossover on the top-end {6db/oct.}and lowering the crossover point.Very large improvement.I am completely supportive of passive {Dahlquist DQ-LP1 style}crossovers for the upper frequencies.The active units introduce grain and glare,unless extremely expensive.The latest panels {MKII]are more dependable than the original.Good Luck!