Anyone heard the difference between Cullen Crossover and his new Crossover II?

I'm considering upgrading the stock power for my PS Audio P15 regenerator. Already have a 10 gage dedicated circuit. The standard crossover PC seems like it would be fine for the amps, but wondering what I would gain by going to the Crossover II between the wall and regenerator. 

Also considering the Morrow MAP4 for the main input. 

Showing 1 response by bobdg2000

I know this is an old thread, but I came across it when I had the exact same question. I would be using it for either my BAT VK-75se or my PS Audio Dectet. 

When I emailed Patrick at Cullen, he said the Crossover II would "...throw a slightly larger soundstage and background instruments come to life slightly more." But for the BAT, the Crossover would "more than suffice."

Sounded good to me since the Crossover II is almost double in price. I was going back and forth between the Crossover and the Acoustic Zen Tsunami, but went with the Crossover. Unfortunately for me/Fortunately for Patrick, he is very busy right now, so it will be 2-3 weeks before he gets it out. Looking forward to it tho'.

I also like Morrow cables very much, but I've never tried their power cords.