Anyone hear Vivid Audio Speakers? Considering Vivid Giya G1 Series 2 from Magico S5 MKII

Have new pair of Magico S5 MK II and have had Magico for a long time. I love them but considering trying either Giya G1 Series 2 or YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 from my Magico's. Curious to hear from anyone that has head 
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I have heard a few of the Giya models and the Kaya 45. I found they sounded like KEF Reference and Blades and I love KEF. I prefer the KEF Blades over the Vivids but I could live with either. The sound is coherent, fast, and exciting. It was also not fatiguing which was surprising.

I was seriously considering the Vivid G4 or the Kaya 45 for my office and was concerned about the reliability post that I read on A’gon. However, after extensive research online I attributed that to an one-off post and not a pattern.

I decided against the Vivid due to the side firing woofers and price. I am looking instead at the Paradigm Persona 3F or TAD ME1. The store I demoed the TAD ME1 is advertising on A'gon the top of the line demo TAD R1 for the price of the Vivid G2. You may want to have a listen to that one too.

At this level I don't think any speaker is "far superior" to any speaker. It comes down to preference, the room, and other components in the system. I would love to hear my speakers with Solution and Constellation components(amp & preamp). 
As a fellow Magico S5mkii owner, I would like to know why you want to switch?  I’ve heard great things about the vivid Giya speakers, but personally I couldn’t live with two giant elf slippers in my room.... but to each their own
Don't get me wrong I love my Magico's but I do find that when listening to friends systems they are not the most dynamic speaker and even so at lower volumes as well. They are a bit restrained compared to other top notch speakers but then on the trade off front do other things better so its never easy.. 

I have owned Magico's for a long time and the S5 MK I for years before these so trust me I get Magico's and their sealed cab bass and love them and love how tuneful and accurate it is but there are other speakers that are in a similar range that have better bass and are more dynamic and more vibrant and impactful even at lower, normal volumes.

Now I am going to talk out of both sides of my mouth here because I love my Magico's and am not complaining about them but sort thinking about making a change for a speaker that has similar resolution and low distortion and the great beauty these provide but maybe that is a little less retained and more vibrant and dynamic with more impactful bass.

I have tried many different really good amps and even with the MK II I have been fortune to hear them with some really good amps and its not how they are driven. I actually now own a amp that controls them the best for any Magico I have owned and am really happy with it but thinking about maybe a speaker than will approach it with a little umpth and heft.

Now because I really do love Magico and these speakers I am now considering REL Carbon Limited Subs on here for sale. I love REL because I find their speakerOn so much easier to blend and was thinking these might up the dynamics and bass I am craving.  

Also, with the Vivid Audio G1 Series 2 which in fairness to the S5 MK II is quite a bit more money (I am buying for close to S5 MKII money so that is kind of making me think on it) but still these speakers should probably be fairly compared to the Magico M3. That there is my thinking that these should be a legit upgrade but my problem is they are but ugly - sort of awful actually but if they sound as great as they say I don't really care that much and they look awesome from the side but horrible from the front.

What do you think. These two options below will cost right about the same money, almost anyways. 

Vivid Audio Giya G1 Series 2
Magico S5 MKII and a pair of REL Carbon Limited Subs?

Don't get me wrong I love my Magico's but I do find that when listening to friends systems they are not the most dynamic speaker and even so at lower volumes as well. They are a bit restrained compared to other top notch speakers but then on the trade off front do other things better so its never easy..
Bet your friends speakers are ported?  I also find Magico lack dynamics, weight, too polite ... in comparison so not MY cup of tea.   I'll take a good ported speaker any day.