Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?

I am very close to ordering a pair of the Harmonic Precision Carravelle speakers. I am looking in the below $5,000 range and these look interesting. There are only a couple of reveiws so I was wondering if anyone has heard them and been unimpressed? It is a lot of money but I may take a chance on it. Anyone think I can do better at my price point. I will be buying a new amp after I choose a speaker.
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Showing 19 responses by warrenh

Pal, Hifimaniac's recommendation for Caravelle break-in is right on. However, they will sound spectacular (they will be 90%+ there) at 200 hours. The next 200 hrs are a delicate refining, if you will-- allowing subtle, lovely nuances to blossom. Like fine wine aging. Get on that Caravelle list. I hope you see a pair before fool'n ya. enjoy...

BTW, I was listening to hours of instrumental and vocal jazz in front of the fireplace today with my wife. What does that mean? Volume real low. I thought of your question, again, about playing at low volume. No problem. Lovely, delicate and detailed, up and down. I get all tingly, sometimes. Can't believe what I'm hearing....
Maui? You lucky man. Been there done that. Like walking through a florist shop, huh? Anyway, you're right about my (last year) over exhuberance regarding the Caravelles. Got a little crazy, but hey, these speakers can do that to an audiophool. peace, warren
Onhwy61, have you been taking your meds? Dosen't sound like it? lol...peace, warren
Pal, which stands did you purchase for the Caravelles? I suppose (the most popular choice) you're getting the dedicated stands, but I'm waiting to find an audiophool who went for their Sistrum Mini Platform stands. Those are the ones on their website, that look like black dunce caps with audiopoints. Acutually I had my Revel M20s on those babies a long while before the Caravelles were even born. Didn't take long to sell my Revels once I heard the Caravelles. I get ooldles of great reaction (of course the sound too) to the visual of the speakers/stands. (the Sistrum component stands, as well) Really makes for quite an esoteric, lean and unique look.
My stands are downright impossible to place once the Caravelles are atop them and a bear to place by themselves. The most minor adjustment, with my stands, requires speaker removal. Each of the three legs moves individually. A real pain in the ass for set up. The sound, however, beautifully molifies the perspiration and the "oh shit" or two that are required. The dedicated stands have to be easier to deal with. Never-the- less: it will be worth it....
Man, this thread has being going on so long, I forgot what we were talking 'bout. Oh yeah, the Caravelles. BTB, there is a Yba Integre on the 'gon for sale. I owned this baby for 7 hears. 50 of the best SS watts these ears have ever heard. You won't be disappointed. And if you are? Sell it back on the 'gon for what you paid. Also, there's a few Brystons, as well. Owned the 4B in my Maggie days. Another nice one, though I'd grab the integre over the Bryston. just a little fwiw. Pal, this is a very personal choice. You'll get recommendations up the whazoo. And all probably worth checking into. You're soon going to have a pair of speakers that will do justice to just about anything you hook up to them. Fasten your seatbelt. You may, also, be disappointed in some amps. Great speakers have a way of showing up the inherent weaknesses of other components, as well.
Gendut3, my man. You are very naive if you think that the sole determing factor of speaker pricing rests on the cost of the drivers, alone. I'm not going to go into Economics 101 with you, but it seems you're a tad angry about the $5k. How is it that a Mont Blanc pen (parts are $4.50) sells for $100. Have any idea what the driver/price ratio of other hi end speakers is? The core, the DNA, the soul of a two way (or any speaker) speaker is in the crossover. You think a crossover, like the one, developed for the Caravelle comes from Radio Shack? Also, you obviously do not have a clue about the dedicated stands, their complexity, cost and their sonic relationship to the Caravelles. I could go on, but I think I should wait 'til a professional reviewer puts their tympanics on the line. You can take it up with him. 'tis late, and I'm getting tired. Tomorrow, after a good nights sleep, my grey matter reignited, I'll (maybe) go at it some more if this thread still lives...good night..peace, warren
I heard the Jmlabs Micro Bes for a good one hour demo at Sound by Singer. I was very impressed and set to buy them. After listening to the Caravelles I changed my tune. I preferred the Caravelles top to bottom. In fact, I listened to the Altos for a good while. Wasen't impressed for the $17k. Hey, whatever rocks your boat. I go with my ears; and they NEVER steer me wrong. Living in the NYC area, I've be able to listen to some serious speakers. The Caravelles are among the best I've heard. I know you picked the Jmlabs, just to make your point, but while we're on the subject?-they are, for my taste, great, but VERY overpriced speakers. Look, we can beat this to death. Bottom line? You never heard the Caravelles. I've heard them and all the speakers I mentioned. Look before you leap! Somehow, I think that after YOU listen, You won't want to pay the $5k+. Let's just wait and see. This is America. Starsound can charge anything they want. You can buy anything you want. Too costly? People won't buy them. There's capitalism/supply and demand in action. I would suppose, for most audiophools, regardless of the innards, the test comes down to listening to your tunes. If you got the dough you're going to buy these babies. Or at the least, put them on your top 5 list. peace, warren
Sorry, I couldn't resist. Now I get the deal, Gendut. It was my comments about the Caravelles being superior than the Sonus Cremonas, right? You have the Cremonas I see. Hit a nerve with ya, huh? I understand, now. You can get a great price for the Sonus on the 'gon. Although you may have trouble, thinking about it, now, when others read that resume of yours. Give it a shot. It is not an irreversible mistake. Don't be upset. You're one angy audiophool. OK, now I'm outta here. I realize I said that before.

P.S. good points Alex.
Gendut, here's how I see it. 10% of the time audiophools deal with you they are VERY unhappy. Would you jump out of an airplane knowing that your parachute will work only 10% of the time? your resume says it all....most negatives (plus a neutral) I've ever're a real power...

No wonder....
Gendut, breath deep, take your meds, and wax your speakers (don't use Pledge on those babies)....oops, I did it again. I'm a sick audiophool, what can I tell you......I love the 'gon.
Bob, lol...yeah I took a verbal thrashing on that thread. I shouldn't (like Gendut is doing, here) have commented about the Caravelles vs the Europas, without having heard the Europas. My (BIG) mistake. I was overly excited about the Caravelles and went a little nuts. I'm still wild about them, but a tad more composed. peace, warren
whattaya think they (the audiogon feedback) are there for? there's nothing personal about your resume, my man. You are what you are.. nahneeenahneenahna..I'm through with you and this thread. I'm glad you've come around to seeing that the Caravelles are fairly priced. It took you awhile, but you are now free. Theaudiotweak may be able to get you on the wait list. Maybe by next Christmas you'll be grooving?...plenty of time to save job is done. another Caravelle conversion. It's my calling....just call me "Caravelleman." Too forward? Too ostentatious? How 'bout, "the man." I'm going to have to think on this. Sorry Gendut, but I couldn't resist that poor resume of yours. I know it was a bit low, but you know the deal: what goes around comes around. I shouldn't have lowered myself, true, so I'll call my mentor for spiritual solace and advice. You're on your own big guy. beat away....peace, warren
Most should be very happy with the bass from the Caravelles. I have never heard a speaker of this size, put out such prodigious bass, with slam, extension and speed as the Caravelles. Man, am I glad I purchased these babies last year. I knew this was going to be the case when others got an earful. You won't regret spending the $5k. The Caravelles can go tete a tete with speakers costing much more. As far as a "competent independent reviewer?" I'm sure Srajan, from 6moons will write a more cogent, detailed, review than my own. Bottom line? He's going to say what I heard; just a hellava lot more eloquently. Guarenteed!! peace, warren
Pal, ever hear the phrase "easy does it" or "one step at a time?" If Scotty heard the Caravelles with tubes and loved them; would you buy tubes? If I told you I prefer SS with the Caravelles more than tubes, would you buy them? Now after you go through the tube vs ss debate and decide: what SS or what tubes should I buy? What I'm trying to say is relax and hold on to what you've got. When you get your Caravelles with their dedicated stands, set them up, break them in, and become intimate with your new baby. Take it from there. The Caravelles will, in due time, let you know where you have to go. Fasten your seatbelt. This will be the first of some major audio aquisitions for you. Trust your tympanics. Sure there are going to be audiophools who may not like the Caravelles. Show the color black to enough people and someone is going to see blue. There won't be many, though. Keep us posted with your impressions. happy listening...warren
You know how exspensive the drivers are in the Jm lab Altos? The Utopia Be Micros? Those toxic Beryllium super marketing hoopla tweeters? The Wilson Maxx? The Sonus Faber Cremonoas? How do you figure the Caravelles have em all beat? (I confess, I have not heard the Wilsons, but you've heard it already in this thread about the Maxxes vs the Caravelles.) Hey I realize this has sounded like a Caravelle reunion and it needed some disparaging remark or two from the "usual suspects." Don't matter. These babies are the real deal, regardless of the innards. I'd be more concerned how come some speakers costing a lot more don't hold up vs the Caravelles. Let's wait to see what Srajan says. When he goes ga ga over them, the usuals can beat the verbal s... out of him....i love Audiogon...peace, warren