Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.

Showing 50 responses by joeinid
I also ordered one of the Synergistic Research's Quantum Fuse Small (5x20mm) 250v Slow-Blo to try. We'll see.
Get the Liquid Nano "The Supreme" fuse. The one for $105 and do not look back. You will not believe the difference.
Thanks Glen,

It makes sense to pair the STP-SE with the Job 225. I appreciate your input.

I am sure the Wyred 4 Sound preamp is stellar.

My pleasure. When I find something that is just outstanding, I love to share. I am convinced Job knows that they have a winner on their hands. If this trend continues, we are all the beneficiaries of wonderful music.
I have a Job 225 and love the way it sounds. It's an amazing value. I am a little nervous about the warning where they talk about passing dc and possibly having speaker issues. It's quiet, has amazing clarity without being harsh. Very articulate bass. This amp can EASILY compete with amps 5-7 times its cost.
Hi Devilboy,

I'm using the Job 225 with my Dartzeel NHB-18NS preamp through TAD CR-1 speakers. I had it running for about 3 weeks with short rest periods in between. I will be putting the Job 225 on a pair of SF Evolutions in about 2 weeks and I think it will be a great match for those speakers. The Job 225 has exceeded my expectations.

My gear consists of the following:

Dartzeel NHB-18NS, Dartzeel NHB-108, D'Agostino Momentum Stereo, D'Agostino Momentum Preamp, Burmester 948 power conditioner, TAD CR-1's, Klipsch Cornwall III's, Bob Carver VTA20S Black Magic, Emm Labs DAC2X, Emm Labs TSDX, ModWright Ultimate Truth Mod Sony XA-5400ES.
I am constantly amazed at how good this amp sounds. I let a friend in PA borrow it since he's downsizing his system. As soon as they come back in stock through either Amazon or direct from, I am buying another in case my friend does not give it back :)
Dartzeel 18NS, Dagostino Momentum preamp, Conrad Johnson GAT and EAR 868. All are superb partners but expensive. I no longer have the Dagostino but it is an amazing sounding preamp.
Hi Izora,

I think you have to be patient. It looks like they are in the process of changing over to direct sales with a dual voltage version. The price will be going up to $1700 US but I think shipping will be included. Their website is
An email confirmation states they are in the process of switching over to direct sales with a dual voltage 115V/230V model. I expect by the end of this month or more likely, next month they will be selling again direct from the company.

Replace the fuse with either a Furutech or Liquid Nano and strap yourself in. A major improvement, seriously! Better overall in all areas. As soon as they start selling direct, I'm ordering another.

I am so glad you are happy. I would not recommend something I thought wasn't up to the task. This is a Goldmund amp for a song. Ha! Vocals are outstanding, precise instrument placement. Big, deep and wide sound stage. Articulate bass is correct. It's just an amazing amp. And something I like, it has outstanding low volume performance.

Add an aftermarket fuse like a Furutech or Liquid Nano for additional performance that will have you smiling from ear to ear.
Update !!!

My friend from Switzerland says he saw the new amps in production and should be shipping in a few weeks. He is the link to the info.
I would order these:

My friend just put one in and he is over the moon happy. I am sorry but I forget the value he used. I will post the fuse rating next time. You may have to take yours out to see the fuse rating or just wait until I post what he ordered.
Yes!!!! That would be me :)

Hopefully next week it will be in my hands. Don't be shy, order yours today!
Correction! Correction! Correction!

Use either one 4 Amp HIFi-Tuning's Supreme Small (20mm/.75) Fast Blow (F) Type $50


One 4 Amp Audio Magic's Liquid Nano The Super Fuse Fast Small $105.00

My vote goes for the Audio Magic.

I am sorry for giving the wrong info in the previous post.

Job is in the process of going direct from the factory on amp sales. it looks like it will be another month or so before they are able to fulfill sales requests. I know that there is heavy pent up demand but we need to be patient.

I am just as anxious as everyone else here to buy another amp. My friend has mine now and I miss it very much. Yes, he's a good friend so I don't mind him using it. These amps are stellar, especially for the money. You can not go wrong with the Job 225. I predict great success for Job.
Absolutely you can use it without a preamp of your source has a volume control. Passives work well too. I personally prefer a preamp in front of my amp but if it's temporary, go for it! It will give you time to break in the amp. I feel the amp and preamp combo is more musical to my ear. You will gain detail at the expense of musicality, in my opinion.
From the

More New Jobs are coming

We continue working on new JOB models for 2014, including a preamplifier simple solution. Please keep visiting this website for more information
Ha! Nothing like putting me on the spot. I have not received the EAR 890 yet. I hope to have it in about 2 more weeks. Ugh! I am not sure what's going on with the delay. I did receive the EAR 868 preamp 2 days ago and really like it. I hope the 890 amp sounds great as well. We'll see. If I knew then what I know now, I would have purchased the Job 225 over any other solid state amp. Is the Job 225 better than my Conrad Johnson GAT and ART mono blocks? No way. My Conrad Johnson gear is simply outstanding. I would have purchased the Job 225 and the CJ gear and I would have been done!
One more thing Devilboy .... I would just get the Job 225 (it will pair with many speakers and sound great) and focus on some tube gear and tube friendly speakers for ultimate musical enjoyment. That's what I would do if I had it to do over again.
Fuse update: 4A Slow-Blow small.

I have to apologize if there was any confusion in previous posts. I can't go back and edit them. Please use a 4A Slow-Blow small fuse in the Job 225 amps.

I had the Momentum stereo amp and yes it was VERY good, one of the best amps I have had and I have heard. I prefer my CJ ART monos over everything. There is no contest against my CJ ART amps. CJ ART monos are stunning.

Believe it or not, the Job is better in some ways and not as good in some ways compared all my other solid state amps. Yes, compared to those mentioned. This is my opinion and not fact. If you consider the price difference and the amount of power you need (meaning if the Job has enough power), give me the Job 225 and I am done solid state amp-wise. After all, it is a baby Goldmund. Having gone back and forth with tubes and solid state, tubes give me more enjoyment. Tubes over the Job? No. The Job over other solid state? Yes.

My new Job arrives Monday. I am happy.
I think the first batch of 50 or so sold out in one day. I think they are very happy. I am too because that means more products and more amps coming.
Holy Cr@p! The magic is back. My Job arrived @ 9am and it is hooked up and singing sweetly. This amp is PHENOMENAL !!! It's not even broken in, but sounds fabulous. If you do not own one or are thinking I am crazy, it's your loss. I hooked it up with my EAR 868 tube preamp on my TAD's and I am giddy.

These amps are articulate. Voice, male and female, is very natural. Bass is full, maybe not as tight as Krell for example, certainly good enough for me. Full, three dimensional effect. Superbly clear yet with a slight touch of warmth. I love a good tube preamp or warm SS preamp in front of it for my taste. Awesome low volume performance - which is the bulk of my listening. I am not a head banger so I have not run out of steam. The Job 225 is very well balanced from top to bottom.

You described it better than I could, AND you are 100% correct. It's amazing. I hooked up the Job to my EAR 868 and it sounds fabulous. There is a post from me coming up that should help explain what I hear. I hope this link helps too.
Well said Devilboy!

My two Job 225 amps are keepers. I am going to buy EVERY new Job product that comes out. I can't wait for their preamp and hope they come out with mono blocks.

Tell me about it. It will never end, but at least we are finding better gear at lower prices.

As for the fuse, only buy the Audio Magi Nano-Liquid Premium.

A slow-blow is a slow-blow, boutique or not. Have no fear. My friends and I have been using them for years. AND, they sound great.

Yes it does. I found it easier to open it up and push it from the back to help slide it open. If you are careful, you can work it out from the outside. There were 2 fuses in mine, the one in use and a spare. The one closest to the amp is the one you replace. The first one you see while pulling out the drawer is the spare fuse. I'll be posting a few photos soon for those unsure and will provide a link here to help with the replacement.
Here is a link to the photos of my Job 225's fuse holder. Hopefully this will be clear once you see where the fuse goes inside the amp.
Thank you so much!

Tell me more about what other recommendations for fuses that you are getting.

That's the one. Mine is coming very soon and my friend loves it. I am temporarily using a HiFi Tuning fuse but as soon as my Audio Magic Liquid Nano "The Super Fuse" comes, I'll be in heaven.


Our new Super Fuse incorporates our liquid compound w/ Black Out and Nano Stream Treatment just like the original -- but now comes with our new proprietary "Particle Cover Stock".

What does this mean to you? About a 30% improvement from the original -- including shimmering highs, glorious midrange, tighter and deeper bass, and incredible sound!!

That's absolutely correct. I even took out my spare fuse. I am not one for voodoo audio tweaks, but I notice a difference every time I swap in a better fuse in something.
Audio Magic fuse is installed. It's a very snug fit because the barrel is thicker. It sounds great on first listen. I'll let it settle down and report back.
Here is the email for Jerry of Audio Magic:

You can ask him. I don't know for a fact, but all fuses of this size/caliber are 250V. I did not think to ask. I am using mine now and it's pretty amazing.
Hi Knghifi,

Yes, I run the Job 225 on my TAD CR-1's but full range as the only amp. I think it works and sounds great. I use either my CJ GAT, Dartzeel 18NS or EAR 868 preamps and LOVE what I am hearing. Other than more gain on the amp than I prefer, it sounds amazing. The Job sounds great on my Studio2 or SF Evolution speakers too.