Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.

Showing 15 responses by glory

Drill holes for the internal wire to run outside the unit and use the cheap speaker posts as a clamp for the ribbons/wire.
AM fuse in. Those with Job amps must change out fuse :)

A very nice change for the better.
Have the Job up and running on some pioneer/TAD S-2Ex speakers. AM fuse coming.

I am shell shocked at what this guy can do. I must say I only bought because Joe has similar speakers and his praise of the Job driving his speakers drove me to buy. He is right!! Killer amp and sounds like a $10K AMP.

Here is what I am going to do to this little guy. Install Stage 3 silver wire after removing the cheap speaker binding posts. Then clamp down my SilverSmith Silver ribbon speaker cables to the Stage 3 wire. Hardwire the Sweetpee AC cable. Ground the transformer to Sistrum points. Dampen all areas that need it. Remove LED light. Any other ideas??

This amp is very powerful. Drives my speaker with authority. Killer bass and soundstage. SS almost like a tube amp. Quiet no noise amp. No distortion.

What a find!!

How to run two amps on my speakers? One on low one on high
The Bel Canto is a better amp in that it separates the performers in their own space. Dead quiet and runs cool. There is something about mono blocks that does a better JOB than a stereo amp. Need two Jobs now.

The Synergistic fuse took the BC amps to a much more realist sounding amp.
No buzz. No sound. No distortion. No color.

Listen the Sweetcord is a good cable but I will tell you putting a Stage. 3 or better yet a Dynamic Design Heritage AC cable on it will make you very happy. You can get the DD Heritage for $900.00 as I did and it transformed the amp into a liquid - full images and dynamic sounding amp that goes way beyond the Sweetpee cable. Are you listening to me boys and girls??
$900.00 and your little Job 225 will eat those big A$$ $20K amps :)
Yes Devil I was taken back by a HE AC cable the the little guy. He now sounds like a $20K amp.

Got him up on Sistrum Sp-1 stands. No noise from him no not even a peep.
Weight power/authority and density comes with the right AC cables for your system. Also the AM super fuse gives the amp a richer fuller sound.

We all move on down the road, yes?

Looking at the Clayton 100 amps but I don't need a humming amp! Also the Maker amp up on the 'Gon is a nice buy.

Gropher is unloading. Say G what is on the hit list now?

Just looking :)

Will get the Music Reference 200 mk2 for sure to run in the winter time.
" he preferred a preamp that made up for the Jobs lean character with something that augmented the lower registers or bought the tops down."

The Job doesn't have a lean character !! I have no pre amp and no leanness going on.
I agree with Genjam about the AM fuse as it changes the whole landscape of the Job's presentation.
But is as good as the Positive Feedback Leavy guy says it is? Got one coming on Monday. Running 96db speakers