Anyone have a Marantz PM KI Ruby Integrated?

This is my first time to post. I have a Marantz PM-6A that just crapped out and I’m seriously looking at the Marantz PM KI Ruby integrated amp. Does anyone have any experience with one, and what are your thoughts? Also, what speaker would you recommend using with it? I don’t want to spend more than $3500 on speakers. Thanks, Ron


The Ruby is a fine amp to be certain.  It has few shortcomings.  I find it quite liquid, smooth, while still detailed.  The soundstage is very good in all dimensions.  The power into low impedance speakers is ridiculously high.  So you will not be limited in your choice of speakers.  I have paired it with Tekton speakers with great results.  But you do not need to be limited with this amp--I can think of few speakers it could not drive effortlessly. 

Thanks for your insights. Everything I’ve read about the amp sounds really good. I think I’m going to pull the trigger on one. I found a slightly used pair of Zu Omen Mk. II’s that hopefully will pair well with it.