Anyone Get a Degritter for Xmas?

I'm thinking about taking the plunge and would love to hear owner experiences!

Showing 1 response by huang

I didn’t wait for Christmas, my birthday is early December so I have it now (my present to me). Now that I have the Degritter! I can pop a reasonably clean LP in the machine go do something else, and come back to a clean and dry album.

I am newly back into vinyl and I will buy used albums without fear because I clean them well. Kirmuss in conjunction with a Spin clean is what I had been using. I would stack LPs for a cleaning session which would take hours and hours to get through, I still stack really dirty albums until it is worth the time to clean them, but they now get the Spin clean, Kirmuss, Degritter treatment. The dirty albums stack goes faster too because I have changed the procedure to incorporate the Degritter. Degritter is a game changer!