Anyone familiar with Ikeda 9 series (cantileverless kind) MC cartridges?

Impressed by the series FR-7 kinds , more in particular the FR-7 fz, I wanted to try some of the

9 C(?) kinds. I was able to buy the 9 C, mk2 but was not able to find much info about other

versions.  There are later versions so I am interested in their possible  ''added values''.


Showing 3 responses by dover


Are you referring to the "tie back" string from just above the stylus to the rear of the cartridge that is required to stop the vertical cantilever ( Decca ) and vertical hoop ( Ikeda ) being ripped out when playing records ?
Have a look at the picture under more details

The tieback string is the string from the stylus mounting point to the back of the cartridge. Is that "the wire" you are asking about ?

The hoop is the U shaped pipe.
The stylus is mounted at the bottom of the U shaped pipe ( hoop ).

The purpose of the tieback string is to prevent the record ripping the "hoop" out when playing a record.

Where is your question on wonder grease ??

The bearings in the FR64S used for horizontal motion of the arm are conventional roller bearings, purchaseable off the shelf to any spec. - eg Abec 7,9 etc

The issue most folk ignore is that the load on the roller bearings used for horizontal motion of the arm is sideways. If you can picture the roller bearings with a pipe on the inside and a larger pipe on the outside, one pipe spins within another. 

In the tonearm application, the load is 90 degrees to the direction that the bearings are actually designed for. In other words the weight of the tonearm is pushing down on the roller bearing assembly sideways.

So over time wear is more likely as seen in the Syntax video.

Wear in the vertical motion bearings is less likely becuase they are used in a correct orientation.

If you look at the Kuzma 4Point the horizontal motion is achieved by using a unipivot single point ( as regards load ), instead of roller bearings incorrectly used. It is a much better system.

This misuse of roller bearings for horizontal motion in tonearms occurs  in most tonearms, eg SME etc.

I would never use grease or oil on a precision roller bearing.

You were quite correct with regard to Ikeda preferring iron bearings, he regarded jewelled bearings ( synthetic jewels in most instances ) to be brittle sounding with his preferred low compliance cartridges.

With regard to the grease used on the vertical tracking force spring, sure using the right viscosity is probably important. Personally I have swiss laboratory grade grease used for watches/clocks on my shelf, dont use it. There are better.

If one wanted to live dangerously then one would remove the spring completely from the FR64 and disable the dynamic vtf adjuster and just use static balance. This would remove resonances from the FR64 inherent in the spring assembly and probably improve the sound - I have done this with other arms and heard improvements. The only caveat is that this may not be optimal for very some low compliance cartridges.

Both Jonathan Carr and I use a combination of static and dynamic balnce on the FR64. In my case I believe it reduces the resonance in the spring mechanism by having a small amount of dynamic balance, rather than any argument about static versus dynamic balance in setting vertical tracking force.