Anyone ever compare Deluend to Russian KBG

I've read KBG are pretty good, and someone...somewhere... posted on a forum "the best for crossovers", however Deluend weren't mentioned.

Has anyone tried Deluend and also tried Russian KBG?

What is your opinion?

At a latter date I may be able to share my opinion on Ampohm copper, Mundorf SIO and KBG in coupling duties. And Deluend cast in coupling in a different position vs SSG's and two other Teflons, copper and tin, and a few pio's...

Showing 1 response by bhobba

Duelund blows anything else away. A speaker manufacturer I know has heard them all and compared them all and Duelund is simply the best by a country mile.

He has them as an option in all his speakers and due to their cost can double the price of as speaker but in comparison to the speakers that dont use them its a joke - once heard never forgotten - you will pay for it.

To keep cost down on his lower priced models he once used Erse bypassed with Mundorf Silver In Oil. But he recently changed to bypassing with Duelund VSF Copper and even here you could hear the difference - not as good as full Duelund Cast or VSF Copper but still pretty good. If cost is an issue Obligatto bypassed by Duelund is very good - but if you want the best its full Duelund all the way.
