Anyone enjoy their amp's sound more than music?

I find my self being drawn into the sound of quality amps, and find myself enjoying the hifi gears as well as the music.

It's hauntingly attractive, and can't get over it - some amps like the Krell, even Adcom is not bad, and of-course we all like class A stuff.

Is this just me, or other's do this as well?

Just curious...

Showing 1 response by newbee

Of course we love the sound of our systems. Why do you think we visit and post on this site. All of us! Its only a problem when you only turn the system on to listen to it's incredible sound. Any music will do so long as it shows off your systems capabilities.

I think another symptom of the 'audiophile' disease is when you start bragging about your stuff, especially to folks who couldn't care less. :-)