Anyone else noticing inflation in used gear $?

While quite non-scientific, judging by recent prices and the speed at which quality gear is moving on audiogon there seems to be both some price inflation and a pickup in the velocity of money? The economy is pretty horrendous, however I'd wager that audiophiles tend to be the more affluent among the general population - if not always rational... I generally subscibe to the theory that we are entering a period of stagflation, with inflation in the things we "need" and deflation in the things we "want" - however what I'm seeing here leads me to believe that either I'm incorrect or we all really do need Krell amps.

Showing 1 response by tmsorosk

When the economy takes a big dive people seem to be afraid and tighten up there spending , but although the economy doesn't really improve , most folks get used to the situation a loosen up a bit with there spending .