Anyone else noticing inflation in used gear $?

While quite non-scientific, judging by recent prices and the speed at which quality gear is moving on audiogon there seems to be both some price inflation and a pickup in the velocity of money? The economy is pretty horrendous, however I'd wager that audiophiles tend to be the more affluent among the general population - if not always rational... I generally subscibe to the theory that we are entering a period of stagflation, with inflation in the things we "need" and deflation in the things we "want" - however what I'm seeing here leads me to believe that either I'm incorrect or we all really do need Krell amps.

Showing 1 response by buconero117

I agree, prices of used gear seem to be moving up. In addition to general inflation, new gear pricing of the top USA brands is moving up which increases the demand for the used stuff. This is particularly true of stuff from Europe. ProAc recently had a significant increase, and this coupled with unfavorable exchange rates puts landing goods from Europe in the USA more expensive. Gear manufactured/sourced in the Asia market seems to be holding prices steady, and continues to improve in quality. What's that expression, 'go west young man'.