Anyone else have issues with their CD player/transport not playing slightly damaged CD's?

Putting this out to the general audience for comments/impressions.  I had an Oppo BDP-103 CD/DVD player that would play nearly any CD you stuck in it, scratched or scuffed; if it started skipping or choking, usually the CD had a lot of scuffing or a large scratch on it, to which I understood and would go on to another disc.  I acquired a Cambridge Audio CXC CD transport, and it is much more picky about the quality; if the disc has the least amount of soft scratches or inner-diameter scuffs, it behaves badly.  I was wondering if everyone has these issues, is this a problem that affects lesser or better transports equally, what kind of transport you have?  

Showing 1 response by hong7676

I have cxc. Its not about your lens or anything. Its just because purely the player. I have a problem same as you since day 1