Anyone else grateful that they got hooked on this crazy addiction

I got home tonight after a 12 hour day of busting my ass for the IT company I work for and sat down in the single chair in my dedicated listening room and turned on Dido’s “Still on My Mind”. As I sat there listening with the lights off, I thought about the fact that the majority of the people in this world will never get to hear anything close to this kind of sound and I get to hear any track, at any time, at any volume I choose. Please don’t think that I am bragging about my system as I know that the majority of you have systems that put mine to shame. I am attempting to express how very grateful I am that I got into this amazing hobby, especially with all the crazy things that are happening in our world today.


As a lurker on this forum for a couple of years, I have read the great majority of the posts. Some with a chuckle, some with great awe and some with disgust. We all enjoy an amazing hobby that allows us to escape from the realities of life right in our own home.


My system consists of a Devialet Expert 250 Pro, Dynaudio Contour 60 speakers, a pair of REL S510 sub-woofers, AQ William Tell speaker cables, an Uptone Audio Etherregen, SOTM ethernet cable, AQ Tornado power cords, an AQ Niagara 1000 power conditioner, GIK acoustic room treatments and an SGC i5 Sonictransporter running Roon with 5TB of hi-res recordings and streaming Tidal and Qobuz. Once again, I am not bragging, and I am not looking for any comments about how good or bad my system is or could be. My goal is to give you some perspective about how lucky we are to be “audiophiles” in this crazy world.


When I sit down with a glass of scotch and put on whatever it is that trips my fancy that night, I can easily put the world out of my mind in under 5 minutes. Listening to what I think is an incredible soundstage and how I can be transported so quickly to the artist’s location is sometimes beyond belief. The best is those nights when you audibly mumble “holy sh-t” after an especially dazzling track.


We are a very lucky group of people to be able to sit down with our system that we have built with our own hands and hard-earned money. To think how much time we have spent reading forums and reviews as well as the never ending tweaking. Who would have thought that moving speakers ¼” would make that big of difference?


So, who else out there is grateful that we have these amazing systems in our homes and it would almost be welcomed to be quarantined for a couple of weeks?


Showing 2 responses by oddiofyl

For sure !!!!  I've been in this hobby, for lack of a better word for 40 years....  my first "real" piece of gear was a Sansui AU9900 integrated amp.  Many components and many years later and I'm still hooked.

For me music is the ultimate get away from the hassles of life.  It transports me into a place where I don't care what time it is or where I have to be in the morning.    

The past 3 years have been filled with heartache and loss along with coming very close to dying...  I don't know what I would have done without music to get me through...

So now when I am just rebuilding my life and looking for a new house something I could never imagined happening is unfolding before us.  Hopefully this will all be a bad memory very shortly.  That said , I'm sure music will help us all escape for a little while.  

Unfortunately for my wallet I just put together a great headphone rig and am rediscovering and discovering some great music . I was up until 2:30 last night enjoying my new Quicksilver Headphone Amp.....

I agree with Engindr1960 and Coach....  best return on investment I've found ...  I enjoy listening several times a day...  every day.

My Ex never got it... my girlfriend does... she loves music .   She has diverse musical taste and we like a lot of the same stuff...