Anyone else get burned Boltz

Purchased an extension rack for one of my Boltz Racks back in November of 2022 that still has not shipped. Been having frequent emails back and forth with a Heather there who has thrown out evert excuse beside they do not have money; had employees out due to covid, supply chain issues, waiting for a part for a machine and now a machine is broke. Really bummed as I really like their product and needed to add on, but it looks as if it is not going to happen. Heather said they would reverse the charges on my credit card, but it’s been a couple weeks after the 3-5 days they said it would take. Finally contacted my card provider and they are going to do what they can but I am guessing Boltz is gone as they don’t answer the phone or return calls. I'm sure people are buying less storage media racks as most are streaming which didn't help this company. Curious if others have had a similar experience with Boltz Furniture?


Showing 2 responses by adg101

I did get it resolved as far as the charge to my credit card. I had to go through my credit card provider to get the charge reversed... Boltz was in no hurry to reverse the charge. I personally would not buy from them unless they guaranteed the product was in stock and even then I would be a little hesitant. Communication at the end was horrible and they would not answer their phone or return a call. I know email is king but even that they were slow to respond. I don't think anyone is physically on site and office staff is working from home. Wish they were doing well as I have several of their stands and need two more but I think I will have someone locally make the side panels as I can draw them up and have them laser cut and I can find the rest of the parts and from here just build my own.

I doubt I will see the charges reversed as it's been months since I first made the order and I suspect they are out of business. As far as their phones being out, that has been the issue for months not answering the phone; I think that happens when one does not pay the internet and phone bill. 

Main reason for posting is to "Warn Others" as their web site is still up and is accepting orders. Again, bummed as I liked their product, not so happy they are refusing to credit my card.