Anyone dislike Ohm Walsh speakers?


I live in Southeast Asia in a country where there is no way to audition a pair of Ohm Walsh speakers. I'm looking to buy a pair of Ohm Walsh 2000's for music/home theater. 

I have seen rave reviews about the Ohm Walshs and like the idea of an omnidirectional speaker. But I'm hesitant since I would like this to be my "forever" pair of speakers and am paying $500 for shipping. Has anyone here heard a pair of Ohm Walshs and not liked them? Just trying to figure out my chances of making a purchase that I might regret. Thank you so much everyone!

Showing 1 response by kennyc

Ohm Walsh speakers have good price/performance, maybe a near bargain. But they’re Omni type means that they radiate the sound in all directions (horizontally) which has it’s advantages and disadvantages:

Don Lindich, who reports on products punching above their price points, advises they’re great price/performance speakers. IIRC they use older technologies but newer Omni tech will cost significantly more.