Anyone compared McIntosh MC352 and 602?

I think about buying one of these amps. As I live in Moscow, where there is no dealer with both amps on display, I'd like to know your experience. Has anyone compared the two amps? Is there a sonic difference, or ist the 602 simply more powerful and the difference only audible if you turn it up real loud? I can afford the 602, but is it worth the $ 3000 difference? I'd like to drive it with my McIntosh C200-preamp, using LAT IC-200 interconnects and speaker cables to my Shahinian Diapason.
Thanks for any input.
The 352 is being replaced with the 402, 400 watts per channel. You may want to consider that one. I have a 202 in my office very nice power amp.
I personlly like them both equally. The 602 seems to have a little more power but the 352 a little more finesse. They both have amazing soundstage, musicality, and impart good weight to the music. They were pushing B&W N801 with a Proceed CDP. They are both on my best-of list and you cannot go wrong with either IMO. Arthur
According to my buddy who is a MC dealer, the 602 is a slightly more advanced and recent design than the 352. I have heard the 602 only and it sounds very good, detailed and even warm at low volumes as well as higher volumes. You might consider it a final purchase. I have heard it on dynamic and electrostatic speakers. It was more musical than the big ML 336 he had - we heard them in the same system using my CDs.