Anyone compare Devore and Harbeth speakers?

Has anyone had the opportunity to hear both? What are the differences in sound signatures?
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So, pair more "involving, forgiving and lush" Harbeths with solid state, and "dry, detailed and pin-point imaging" devores with tubes? Which ones are closer to "neutral," if there is such a thing?
I just heard Devore Gibbon 8 driven by VTL IT-85. I guess it's all in the matching of systems, but I don't agree with the assessment that Devores are dry... just make sure to go tube, I guess, w/ the Devores. I did hear the same speakers driven by Musical Fidelity A5. The sound was serviceable, but weirdly grainy in rock CDs. But KILLER with Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring."
Also heard the Harbeth 40 at the RNAF and would agree with Glory. One of the better sounds at the show at any price. Only topped by the ESPs.
Where could I audition both relatively easily? I don't know of any dealer that carries both lines. Would I have to travel to New York? (I'm in the South.)