Anyone been able to compare the SQ of Roon Nucleus vs. MacBook Air?

For the last several years I've wanted to reclaim my MacBook Air laptop for laptoping! I was thinking of 2 options. Trade my Mytek Brooklyn in plus $1200.00 for a Brooklyn Bridge or spend approximately the same money for a Roon Nucleus. My laptop has been plugged into my DAC via USB. I believe the Roon Nucleus could be hooked up the same way. Anyone been able to compare the two? It would seem a dedicated device would have less noise issues and time out issues. Is there a better way to connect the MacBook Air? Would a Mac Mini offer any advantages? Any advice is always appreciated!

Showing 3 responses by djones51

I assembled an Intel NUC and installed ROCK which is the same OS that runs on a Nucleus for about $700 and use a raspberry pi4 running Ropiee as an endpoint. The main advantage to me is the OS is optimized for Roon and the sound improved switching from a Windows PC running the core. The Nucleus. Costs more and I know a lot of people here run very expensive streamers which if using roon is just an endpoint and pay more for the USB cable than I did for the NUC and raspberry pi4. Perhaps you could tell  enough difference to go that route but I couldn’t.
Get a NUC and install ROCK it's about 1/3 the price of a Nucleus and does the same thing. It runs 24/7 unattended , installs any updates in the background and if you get a fanless one is quiet. If you want to use your mac book you certainly can.
You can find the specs on Roons site.
The only software is ROCK it's an optimized OS to run roon has the core built in it's what's on a Nucleus.
I assembled mine with an i5 in a small fanless case and attach an external drive with my ripped CDs.