Anyone auditioned Pass Labs XP-30 preamp?

Has anyone heard the XP-30 that was released a couple of weeks ago?

I have the XP-10 and just wondering how much better the XP-30 is at $16.5K? How does it stack up against the Ayre KXR preamp?

Showing 4 responses by rockitman

I am looking at the XP-20...seems to me if you don't need all the inputs of the XP-30, the XP-20 should do the trick. The sound has to be very close when comparing the two or am I missing something ?
That said, I'm using a venerable Mark Levinson 380S. Does anyone have any opinions on how the ML 380S would compare to Pass XP series pre ?
So is anyone using an XP-30 now ? Impressions ? I'm getting the itch to upgrade my ML 380S.