Anyone auditioned Pass Labs XP-30 preamp?

Has anyone heard the XP-30 that was released a couple of weeks ago?

I have the XP-10 and just wondering how much better the XP-30 is at $16.5K? How does it stack up against the Ayre KXR preamp?

Showing 1 response by emom

I'm currently reviewing the XP-30 and am just getting going. I reviewed the XP-20 (July 1, 2009 Dagogo) and have used the XP-2 in reviews along with other high end preamps over the past 2 1/2 years. It is immediately evident even out of the box cold that the XP-30 is more advanced. More interestingly, however, it is simultaneously more detailed and warmer. In fact, to my ears it's significantly warmer even thought it improves on detail and soundstaging. Tough to separate personal taste from objective characteristics at this early staget, but at this moment it's one of the three best preamps I've heard. Will be more confident of the real deal in two weeks.