Anybody using Bybee DIY Quantum Purifiers?

I'm thinking about soldering in some DIY Bybee quantum purifiers into each of the AC inputs of all my audio gear. Does anybody have any experience with the sonic impact it made?

Looking for all comments from Bybee users or people who have listened to audio systems with Bybee's installed.

Check out Bybee's website. It has a DIY section that is pretty good. I have them in all my equipment....
Where is the best application of the Bybee? Digital gear, or also on amplifiers. power supply, record players etc?
In Europe Bybee are not well-known, and I am wondering if there are so much users in the states. An other "magical tweek" a serius tecnical-based product..?
I am a big Bybee fan too. But I try to use them only on AC and power supply. They do wonder, if used properly.
I am considering to use bybee purifiers in the inside of my cd player.. on the ac line and also on the analog output...
other experiences with this use..?

Thank you in forward...
I have found an old TAD AC Power purifier with BYBEE Tecnology and I used it to feed every component of my audio-chain.
Well, the System, it's raised with me during the years, and I guess that the best tweak I have found until now, it was a power conditioner to use with my Transport and the DAC. It made the sound more delicate and enjoyable, but adding the TAD at the beginnig of everything made to me experience a system of a different league which is actually the same!!
I also add a Bybee Ultra quantum speaker filter, but once applied the Tad, their use in my system it's just subtle.
So now, what wonderfull thing is the Bybee on the ac supply of every gear!!