Anybody Try A5s With Pass XA30.8?

Hey Folks,

I have a 30.8 on the truck for delivery today.  It will replace a Threshold T-400 that is all class A at 150w/ch.  Since what is left of Threshold is here in Houston, I will take the T400 to them and decide whether to just have them go through it or do the upgrade they offer to a more recent Stasis circuit.

One of the other upgrades I am considering is a pair of Magico A5s.  I know some will say the extra AB power if the 30.8 is plenty, blah, blah, blah, but I am interested in hearing from someone who has actually heard the combination.

Hope you folks are well and good,

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrobob

Showing 4 responses by robob

Altecs are not my cup of tea.  Not interested in speakers as an investment, I want some that will sound good with the rest of my system.

Yeah, the T-400 is good stuff, but I want them to check it at least.

I listen about 12 feet from the speakers and usually less that 80DB average.

Was hoping someone has heard the A5s with the XA30.8.

BTW,  as one might expect,  the XA30.8 doesn't sound all that different from the T-400.  It's a bit more open and the bottom end is more defined and stronger.  Much of that could be the age of T-400.  Really enjoying it nonetheless.

Y'all take care:-)