Anybody Try A5s With Pass XA30.8?

Hey Folks,

I have a 30.8 on the truck for delivery today.  It will replace a Threshold T-400 that is all class A at 150w/ch.  Since what is left of Threshold is here in Houston, I will take the T400 to them and decide whether to just have them go through it or do the upgrade they offer to a more recent Stasis circuit.

One of the other upgrades I am considering is a pair of Magico A5s.  I know some will say the extra AB power if the 30.8 is plenty, blah, blah, blah, but I am interested in hearing from someone who has actually heard the combination.

Hope you folks are well and good,

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrobob

Showing 1 response by m-db

N. Pass designed? Threshold T-400, sensible handles and connectivity, around a hundred pounds, dangerous no fluff case work not to mention still one of the most intriguing monickers ever given to an audio product. Like a big Mopar still running bias ply's. One hell of a reference. Nice to hear your keeping it.

Enjoy, right now!