Anybody run the Rotel 981 in mono?

Rotel claims an output from last series (and I suppose lattest variant) of 360 wpc a side.What would concern me is that amount of power in that smal a chssis with no fan.Guess one could consider the $600 list and the corespoding used price tag to mena it could be seen as Bic lighter type of amp i.e.disoposable after a few years.That would be an awful lot of heat.For what I might spend I guess going for a bigger Rotel 2 channel or it's NAD or Adcom equivilant would probaly make more sense.Any experience out there?
Go with the DNA 1, then get the upgrade later if you still feel you need it. I've owned a Rotel 980, a DNA 0.5 & a DNA 1. Either McCormack is far better than the Rotel.

Sorry for getting off topic.
I ran a pair of Rotel 980s (very similar to the 981) bridged in mono for a while, and then switched back to a single 980. My speakers are B&W CDM7NT, and I was using Belden 89259 cross connected speaker cables. Whereas the bridged double amp setup had much more power and tighter bass, it sounded flat and sterile to me. I felt that the single stereo version of the 980 sounded more musical. By this I mean it had more depth and warmth, and a more distinct soundstage. I'm currently auditioning other amps to give me what I want--tight "umph" plus a detailed soundstage. I picked up a Rotel 990, but that isn't cutting it either--it's got more headroom power and bass, but sounds loose and flabby--it is lacking in the refined detail that the 980 can convey. I think I'm just going to have to spend a bunch of cash and go up a big notch. I'm considering a McCormack DNA 1 modded to the A level, but that'll be about $2000--quite a step up from a $300 980, or $600 990! Any suggestions?