Anybody here listened to Daniel Hertz Speakers? What did you think?

100db efficiency on the first watt and hand made in Italy- that sounds lovely. But how do they sound? Nobody around here (Charleston to Myrtle Beach SC area) has any that I can listen to. 

What is Daniel Hertz' "house sound"?  I also notice he cut the prices substantially. They are almost affordable now. 

Any guidance would be appreciated. 

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Showing 1 response by deep_333

The M1 system sounds spectacular. Most "systems" i have heard in that price bracket and above sound fake. The M1 should have a certain kind of appeal for musicians with deeper pockets, imo..

Is it priced too high? To me, it is, but so is every Wilson and Magico and Schweikert in that price bracket that also sounds fake! The latter is for the thrillseekers.

I don't believe there is a DHertz house sound.