Anybody heard of a Marantz PH22 phono stage?

I bought one on eBay last night on an impulse, and have not been able to find any information on it with searches. I did find a couple of high end Internet audio stores that have this item on their permanent want list.

I am running two turntables right now, and the fact that this has two turntable inputs was an huge positive to me.

It has a switch for high and low output MC's and also high and ?low? output MM's. It also has a 4 position equalization switch, and a back panel output level control.

There is no manual with this, so if anybody has any information, or hints as to using this phono preamp, I would appreciate it.

The eBay link is below.

Be as brutally honest as you want, as I have already paid for it. :-)


Dick Schneiders

Showing 2 responses by kr4

Yes, I recall them and they were generally highly regarded at the time. IIRC, Ken Kessler reviewed some of the series (amps, at least) for HFN&RR.
