Anybody hear the Epiphany Audio 12-12's?

I am really thinking of buying a pair of these, and have never heard them. I read a review from TAS that said they are incredible, fast like Quads, Soundlabs, but, with an incredible lifelike 3 dimensional sounstage. I have been told they are very placement friendly, which is great cause my room sucks. They were showing at the 2004 CES with Tenor. Any info would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Dear Smilin :)
I guess that makes me an audiofool as well, my 12/12 will be arriving in 2 weeks and I have never heard them either!! Why would anyone spend this much on speakers one has never heard? My thought process was exactly the same as yours; until I hear them in my house with my equipment and can relax and get accustomed to them for a few days I can not judge either. I ordered my 12/12+ factory direct because there is none to be heard near where I live. Until I talked in person to the factory rep I didn't know there was a + version to the 12's. He told me a "plus" version is available for every model not just the 6's. The real reason I took the plunge before hearing them was the factory gave me a 30 day in home evaluation money back guarantee !! How could I say no??? Is this offer available to everyone?? I can't say you are better off discussing it with them directly as I did.
I can't wait!!
............. Jim.

I love em, but, alas, they are gonna be up for sale....I have a custom pair of speakers being made, each having 2 TAD 1601A's(750 x 4), 1 JBL 2470(anlico)w/custom wood lens, and 1 JBL 2404(anlico)tweeter. Each will be 2 peice, seperate bass bins, with open baffle mid/tweeter. Size approx 24" x 18" x 70". The 12/12's are fast, articulate, and scary holographic. Mine are available for a bargain price, picked up in Chicago...6500.......list for 16k



BTW, Your room is JUST PERFECT for these
Hi 711smilin,
Just curious to know how your 12/12's are....A buddy of mine in Malaysia has the 20/21 with two subs....Boy it was really good...

I am considering the 12/12's with one sub...

My question is, did you buy the EA subs or are you still using the SVS....

For you 12/12, can i know you room size...mine is 15' x 14' and wondering if they are too big...

Finally, I plan to use all SS to drive and my gear will be McCormack 225's Monoblocks with thier pre-amp...all modded by Steve (McCormack) your feedback will be helpful...

Thanks in advance.
I will have the Epipanys's this weekend, so, I will report back. Please, those of you who have actually heard them, please give your thoughts.

1markr, ya gotta come hear my corn's singing too!! Got a few new toys to play with.
A friend of mine just showed me the latest Horning w. 4 woofers in the back in a push pull. He was going nuts about them. Unfortunately I am not a horn person yet. Never even gave them a chance. I heard them a few times at a friends house & at shows and didn't like them (not the Hornings though). I want to give them a second listen some day. Maybe a 2nd SET system. I think in the end the ideal world would be a few different speaker systems to meet all our needs.
Good luck with your new purchase, Steve....look forward to hearing them in your house!
Dgad, I am having a horn system custom built, along with my buddy Alex Peychev from APL hifi build me a pair of his. The drivers alone, in both custom speakers will cost me more than these. I just desire to have the best of all worlds. I understand, that, when set up properly, these should comete very nicely with my buddy's pipedream 21's. If not, I guess I will take a loss, and sell them. OTOH, I am buying them for what I consider a fair price, and I feel that should I desire to sell them, the new owner would buy them right too. I wish I had the space for the Genesis system, but alas, this is not possible in my present home. Next year though, may be a different story.

I agree with you that speakers are much more difficulat to move thru, than amps, sources, pre's, et. This is the reason I have not really done so, yet. Oh, well, let the PIA begin.

Happy Holiday's to all my Audiogn audiophool's


Both my cousin & I heard the Ephiphany 6s in the show. People who heard them early in the show didn't like them. Later in the show they liked them much better. Still my cousin & I had polarized views on them.

Now, yes you are an audiophool. I am glad to join you there. I do believe listening is the best way. The Epiphanys are wonderful line arrays. There are others out there for more money including the Genesis & Nolas & Pipedreams. I would definitely love the have a line array some time if I can afford the experiment. You will find them hard to sell as rotating big speakers is much more difficult than selling source equipment or amplifiers. Good luck & enjoy them. I am sure they will do some things better than any other speaker you have heard in your system. Remember the integration of the subwoofer will take patience, time & a good audio friends help. A test CD w. bass test tones, & placement analysis, acoustical paneling & a spectrum analyzer will help. It will determine how you maximize the enjoyment of your speaker. I am a firm believer a speaker w. poorly integrated bass is not worth a dime. Fortunately today you can find incredible subwoofers w. advanced crossover designs that can accomplish this goal.

Steve, even if it was not the holiday season, I would be glad to be wrong and hope you will be delighted with your 12-12's. I'm just a curious guy, so a few questions asked in a respectful way:

1) Did you get some great financial offer that you could not refuse?

Gotta decent deal

2) Why the rush to buy a speaker you never personally have heard?

Cause I am nutz, i just sold others, and am waiting for a coupkle custom pair to be made. I have heard really good things about them, and, time will tell the rest.

3) If you don't mind me asking what did you pay for your new speakers?

This question does not compute, plus, it's really none of your business, unless yawanna lend me some $$$

4) Have you been mainly lucky before when you buy gear you have never auditioned or not have had great results?

I believe I can only make judgement on audio equipment when I have it in my own room. As I said before, I am nutz, obsessed, addicted.......I have been thru over 35 sources in the past couple of years, and over 35 amps. I am starting on speakers now......I also find, the harder I try, the luckier I get.

Now, Have I been luckey? NO, I have been smart. I truely believe I own the best digital available, and own many of the best sounding amps anywhere, especially for the $$$.

I know what I will end up with, in the near future. A WORLD CLASS syste, that MAKES ME HAPPY.

5) Do you really think owners of this speaker would bad rap their own speakers and they would be the most objective in giving you feedback on the 12-12's?

I have not talked to JUST owners, and I am seeking other opinions from audiophools, like myself, who have at least heard them. I know, when I tell people about what I own, I am objective....I hope others are too.

I find it amazing when anybody purchases a piece of gear with out an audition when it might cost thousands of their had earned dollars.

I find it amazing when people listen to audio in a foriegn room, with eq. they do not own, and in most cases at high end stores, 100k plus of room treatment, and then say how a particular item sounds.

I personnaly find the only way for me to judge what audio eq. sounds like is to have it in my own home. This way I know what I HAVE.....yaknow!!!!
Steve, even if it was not the holiday season, I would be glad to be wrong and hope you will be delighted with your 12-12's. I'm just a curious guy, so a few questions asked in a respectful way: 1) Did you get some great financial offer that you could not refuse? 2) Why the rush to buy a speaker you never personally have heard? 3) If you don't mind me asking what did you pay for your new speakers? 4) Have you been mainly lucky before when you buy gear you have never auditioned or not have had great results? 5) Do you really think owners of this speaker would bad rap their own speakers and they would be the most objective in giving you feedback on the 12-12's? I find it amazing when anybody purchases a piece of gear with out an audition when it might cost thousands of their had earned dollars.
Teajay, Thanks for the advice, but, alas, I took the plunge without listening again. I have talked to several owners who do not share your views. Here's hoping your wrong......
Steve, because of responding to your thread I was motivated to talk to my girlfriend and an another audiophile friend that I attended the RMAF with to again compare are " audio notes" regarding the 12-12's. We all agree that at best they were average and none of us put them in the top 10 best sounding systems at the show. It's just are opinion under show conditions, but do you self a favor and do not buy any speaker that you cannot audition with your gear or best of all a home audition.

thanks for the opinion....I know you heard the 6-6 plus, but the 12-12 should be great with an additional sub.

Teajay, I dunno, but I hope you are wrong. BTW they were on the list for most wanted in 04

711smilin, heard them at the first Rocky Mountain Audio Fest when they were showing with Edge Electronics. Carefully listened, I'm a fan of Edge, used to own an NL-10 amp, and thought that the 12-12's were ok at best nothing special. They kinda went into a catagory I call, "just don't get it", which means that after all the hype in the Absolute Sound review, the speakers were not horrible or anything, but just very average at best. I did notice that you better sit in the very small "sweet spot" otherwise you lose the image and high end extension. In my opinion, I would rather own a pair of Soundlabs or a pair of MG-20.1's if your looking for the magic that planar speakers can provide. Finally, have you noticed that after all the fanfare that the Absolute Sound review of the Epiphany caused, nobody else reviewed them and there has been no discussions between audiophiles regarding their performance. Even the Absolute Sound does not have them on their recommanded list of speakers, which is interesting since they raved about them to begin with.
I heard them or the 6s but I think it was the 12 @ the show in NY years ago. I was very very impressed & thought them to be one of the worlds great speakers. Incredibel detail, sound staging & imaging. The only limitatoin was that the subwoofer was not integrated at all. From what I understand the subwoofer was an experimental version. It should be much better now. There is another speaker supposed to be similar but much less expensive called. It is now discontinued but probably can be sourced. The name is the GR Research Alpha LS. Hope this helps.