Anybody Hear the Duevel Jupiter?

My system consists of Tubed Thor Audio TPa-150, monoblocks,
thor line stage, thor phono stage, with a Thor tubed Dac
with a Cary 306/200 used as a transport. I am auditioning speakers and I was curious if anybody has heard the
Duevel Jupiter (made in Germany omnidirectional speaker)
and their thoghts or recommendations. Any input would be appreciated. I've read the reviews, but I alsways like to hear what a fellow audiophile has to say.
I have owned a pair of Duevel Jupiters for a couple of years. They are super speakers -- and I have heard quite a few over the years. I use them with Klimo Beltaine 300B amps and a Klimo Merlin preamp. The Duevel dealer (Ted Lindblad at is a super guy who knows his stuff. There's a nice review of the Jupiters at Stereo Times if you need more info.
there is info out there that suggest that you dont need a weel damped room. maybe it was the wolcott site that i remember mentioning that a well damped room would be optimal. other reading and listening i have done states otherwise.
i was at RMAF for all three days. i would go with the duevel for certain. if i weren't moving next summer i would get them now. i simply really enjoyed listening to them. i used the same cd at every audition that i have used for the last 5 years.
Hi Kjl, I'm also curious regarding the sound of Duevel Jupiters. An audiophile friend who has heard them said the sound was quite pleasant (I refer you also to Fplanner description). There was a certain lack of palpability though, like the sound emanating from electrostatics. I think if you like the sound of electrostatics and want to have a good imaging within a wide range, they might be a good choice.
Heard the Jupiter at Rocky Mtn AudioFest this past weekend. Was displayed using Thor power and Preamp, Virtual Dynamics Revelation cabling. The sound was pretty amazing - sweet extended highs, strong mids and bass with nice imaging from a pretty wide range. If I wasn't already happy with my current speakers, I would have bought them there. They were that good.

Hope this helps