Anybody hear both the Coda 07x and the Herron vtsp 360?

Looking for a pre in this price range of about 6-7K and have heard they are both outstanding.
I know the Coda is ss and the Herron is tubes which I normally prefer but we all know that tubes can be a pain.
People say the Coda is tube like sounding.
Anybody have any opinions or preferences?

As I read through the posts, I realize how I'm so different from most of the people here, and not only do I accept that difference but I luxuriate in it. People here always speak of "sounds" but never "music"; there is a difference. SS no matter how beguiling the "sound", can never reproduce music like tubes.

There are many flavors to tubes, and they all reproduce "music".
I currently have the Coda 07x preamp in my system. It has tube-like qualities like rich timbral color and it’s very “live music” sounding in that the noise floor seems incredibly low, free of artifacts or ‘film’. Very smooth and coherent. There’s a beautiful dimensionality in the soundstage. 
As a long-time tube lover, I have to say it’s a joy to listen to in my system, even when coupled with an SS amp, an XA-25 in my case. 

I have sat in front of the 07x several times. It is smooth, articulate and musical.... If that is tube like then ok, but the Coda does not offer any additional warmth or that most people think of when looking for tubes. It is an outstanding pre, but if you want tubes, get tubes.  If you like the Coda,  you might want to add the SST Ambrosia to compare. 
Haven’t heard the Coda but have owned the VTSP-3a (R03) for many years now (previous model to the 360) which is a fantastic pre. The thing you should know is that Herron’s do not have a classic tube sound (excessive warmth, truncated extension, noise) but rather a very natural Tonal accuracy and terrific timing. If you want coloration maybe look elsewhere.