Anybody Felt Lower-End ARC preamps Bass-Shy?

Any folks here who upgraded their lower-range Audio Research preamps to better ones and noticed a considerable improvement in the bass department? I own the LS-16 and thought the bass doesn't go to deep. Will the LS25 or LS26 have much better bass compared to the LS-16?

Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by davemitchell

Ryder, with so many variables in the system, amp, preamp, cd player, cables, subwoofer, settings, placement, recordings, it is tough to have any idea if you have a lack of bass and if so, where it might be coming from.

One thing I have discovered with some of my customers is the importance of finding out if they experience a lack of bass all the time or just with some recordings.

What music/recordings do you listen to? Is the bass great with some and not with others, or does it feel light weight all of the time? That might help to shed light on what you are experiencing.
Be careful not to tune your system to fit one, perhaps not so great, recording. If your system is neutral and truthful it will show you how some recordings are wonderful and many are not.

Your system should not be making bass that isn't present on the recording.