Any vets among the Audiophiles here?

With the anniversary of D-Day, and Flag day taking place recently there has been a lot of thought given to the people who fought and in many cases died to our freedom. I don't just mean in the US.

Keeping those things in mind I was wondering if we have any vets here. I know Slappy was in the service, and look what it did to him!!!: ) I don't know if you want to mention it here, but I want to take a moment to thank you for the service you provided to your country.

All of the freedoms we have including the chance to simply sit around and listen to music was won for all of us.

Thank You!

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USAF 1966-1968. I was drafted but was able to convert from the Army to the Air Force because I had majored in Aeronautics while in technical High School. Hated all my time in the military because I was anti VietNam war before being drafted and serving during the war only intensified my disgust for the Industrial-Corporate police operation presence we were dying for. I enjoyed my actual work on B-52s and made some wonderful friends but cannot remember waking up happy even one time during my stint.

I bought a lot of great vinyl at the BX and listened to it through headphones on my MagnaVox portable in my barracks. Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Canned Heat, Steppenwolf, Country Joe and the Rolling Stones helped me through a lot of tough down time.

God Bless our men and women in the military and the unbelievable work that they perform day in and out.