Any US manufacturer of a 845 SET amplifier

I listened to a Line Magnetic 845 SET amp and was very impressed. It was very well built. My concern is not about build quality, however I am concerned about service.  Anyone know of a US company producing such an amp?

Showing 3 responses by decooney

Resurrecting this 4yr old thread about 845 based tube amps. I am considering commissioning a custom build for 845 SET monos. On the fence reading posts now on the pros & cons across a few different forums.  

@mesch did you ever try 845 based tube amps in your system?

@jjss49 mentioned above trying and reselling Cary 805s not quite able to drive his Proacs how he wanted. This causes me pause as my 93db/6ohm speakers might be on the edge. 

I previously tried 10w triode and 50w parallel strapped pentode tube amps that worked fairly well, yet did not compare in response to my existing Quicksilver UL monos designed specifically running KT120s, KT150s.

A local audio colleague told me true 50w triode monos with big iron transformers are different beast. Ive not tried 845 Triode monoblocks yet w/my speakers yet.


Wondering if anyone here has been through true 845 triode monos and then went back to something like KT120 / KT150 monos instead.  No SS amp replies please, already got that covered, hope to hear from 845 TUBE based amp aficionados. Thx 

@danager thx those STL amps with OTL design look fun and intersting. That Dr D guy on YT is quite giddy about Alans creations it seems.

@mesch looks like you are set, literally, no pun intended LOL. I think id like that Transcend amp you have more than my prior Inspire Hot Rod.Will look it up.

@atmasphere Ypur kind response helps me, alot. Thank Ypu for your time explaining and writing that up. It is similar with "bandwidth" discussion I had with Luke Manley at VTL. Maybe I should appreciate what i have right now even more. 

Back to listening. Happy Holidays to all of you.





Thanks @mesch, I’ll be keeping an eye out for a 2nd smaller form factor stereo tube amp I can rotate in while leaving my pimary QS Mono 120s in place, saving these.

Contemplating with some reservations about selling off a good chunk of my vintage NOS tubes and my Pass/Forte’ Class A SS amp and preamp system I had Jon Soderberg upgrade for me. He’s 10m from me. Can’t seem to get myself to list it all.

This would help fund a nice EL34 amp I could rotate in so I can save the QS monos for a long time - they are extra amazing with the specific mundorf coupling cap, nichicon power cap, tube upgrades. Amp2 forthcoming. Will take a closer look.