Yup, Ribot is a unique and excellent musician. His recent Asmodeus disc is a good ripping electric trio date, but not as well recorded as some others. The Eclecticism CD w/ Kazutoki Umezu, (especially track 1) is incredible. I know it's kind of apples and oranges, but I've always thought Don Van Vliet (whose birthday is today) did a helluva lot more than Waits to enrich and expand popular (and maybe not so popular) music.
Any Tom Waits Fans?
Just wondering if there are any other Tom Waits fans out there. I've been listening to his music for years. One of my favorite albums of his is Mule Variations. I also love Nighthawks at the Diner and The Heart of Saturday Night. There are many others but those are probably my favorites. Oh yeah..and Heartattack and Vine.