Any Thoughts Or Experience With The NAD PP 4 Phono Pre-amp?

I am looking at several older tube pre-amps to add to my system.  None of the candidates has a phono section installed.  I have a NAD PP4 phono pre-amp on hand.  I have not been able to find any reviews on the PP4.  Has anyone here used one?  Is it a reasonably acceptable pre-amp?  Any feed back is appreciated.
It is a reasonably acceptable phono preamp. It’s main claim to fame is that it also digitizes the signal so you can send your vinyl to a computer. Do you need that? If not, why use a device where most of the manufacturer’s expenditure went on bits you do not need. Not much left for what you do need. Get the acclaimed Schiit Mani from Amazon for $149. Try it. You can always return it.
Thanks.  I was originally going to use it to digitize my LP collection, however, I bought a KORG MR 2000S to do that job.  I'll look into the Schitt.